The so-called Lost Gospel, which has been translated from Aramaic, allegedly reveals the startling new allegations, according to The Sunday Times (behind a paywall).

Professor Barrie Wilson and writer Simcha Jacobovic spent months translating the text, which they claim states Jesus had two children and the original Virgin Mary was Jesus's wife and not his mother.

Many experts have downplayed the biblical figure's historical importance but, according to the translators of the new gospel, she is of much greater significance than previously thought. "

Shocked, And taken aback, until one asked if this was " breaking news." Then I was asked if I had any thoughts on the Lord Jesus.

Not really possible, considering my profession and I started explaining the basic principles of Astrology and its role in helping people understand their own selves. As per the FOK who would be arriving shortly for some  enlightenment. Originally a Russian lady named K......... got a reading, then one for her mother, than had an idea. She would have plenty of  interested acquaintances in that mid-late 20s age group and asked about a special rate for " friends of K......... " a.k.a " FOKs ". So a FOK get's discount and I told the bible boys about the recommendations which have included lasses from Iran, a Russian residing in New York and a Kiwi male along with tonight's  Russian FOK---whose interpretation would provide more evidence of  Lord Jesus getting married:

Astrologer: Okay, Pluto here in Capricorn 4 enhancing the Moon ( Virgo 4 ) here, a very positive emotional time, great things around home, family, possibly motherhood ?

Client: I got married.

And when Neptune was attacking the Moon 3 years later ? " separated." Which means that it's quite logical to consider the  identical Pluto-Moon enhancement which Jesus Christ experienced around age 19. Especially with his Aquarian Moon ruling House 7, the domain of marriage and partnerships !

I had long ago dismissed christianity as a drug-induced creation, more so after visiting a renowned clairaudient  in 1980 who told me very clearly about my peaceful, churchgoing grandma being " up there " in the same place as two of the maddest louts from my youth.

Just a few months back ( August 24 article ) it was also revealed, from some more archival discoveries, that Jesus was not the son of god, merely a prophet.

The biggest hoax in history ?  Remembering that Pluto's  tour de conservative Capricorn between 2008 and 2024 is all about restructuring tradition and unearthing corruption in authorities......